As Muslims, we are adamant that the Quran Kareem is the word of Allah. It is revealed as the ultimate guidance for humanity. Reciting the holy Quran provides peace and comfort to the human soul. The Quran Majeed is the most eloquent and truthful book as it is the words of Almighty Allah. The number of pages in the Quran vary. It encompasses the greatest sciences and is the complete guide for humankind.
Many Muslims feel intimidated about reciting and memorizing the holy Qur’an as they believe it is an enormous book they might be unable to recite or memorize. And sometimes, people are hesitant to read the Al Qur’an as it is an Arabic book.
As a result, breaking the Quran Majeed up into pages or juze is the easiest way to finish reading, reciting, and memorizing it. We’ll tell you how many pages there are in the Quran in this article and how to break it up, so it’s simpler to recite.