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Third Kalima Tamjeed for Kids – Importance, Benefits

The Third Kalima, also known as Tamjeed, holds a special place in Islamic teachings. It is one of the fundamental declarations of faith that reminds Muslims of the glory and greatness of Allah (SWT). For children, learning the Third Kalima Tamjeed is a crucial step in understanding the core beliefs of Islam. 

By teaching Kalimas at a young age, children learn to appreciate the omnipotence and greatness of Allah, setting a strong foundation for their faith. 

In this article, we will discuss the importance, benefits, and methods of teaching the Third Kalima to kids in a meaningful way. 

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What is the 3rd Kalimah (Tamjeed)?

The Third Kalima is known as Kalimah Tamjeed, meaning the words of glorification. It reads as follows:

سُبْحَان اللهِ وَالْحَمْدُلِلّهِ وَلا إِلهَ إِلّااللّهُ وَاللّهُ أكْبَرُ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّهِ الْعَلِالْعَظِيْميِّ

Subhan Allahi Wal Hamdu Lillahi Wa La Ilaha Illallahu Wallahu Akbar Wa La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyyil Azeem.

Translation: “Glory be to Allah, all praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest. There is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Great.”

This Kalima is an expression of praise and glorification of Allah, emphasizing His greatness and reminding believers of their dependence on His strength.

Importance of Teaching the Third Kalima to Kids

The Third Kalima plays a critical role in a child’s spiritual upbringing. It helps instill core values of faith, humility, and gratitude to Allah. Introducing this Kalima in a child’s daily routine builds a lifelong habit of glorifying and remembering Allah (SWT).

1. Developing Strong Belief in Allah

Teaching the Third Kalima at an early age helps children develop a deep connection with Allah. By reciting words that express Allah’s glory and omnipotence, children understand that Allah is always present, always watching, and always powerful. This awareness builds confidence and trust in Allah, especially during difficult times.

2. Enhancing Gratitude and Humility

The Third Kalimah teaches children to be grateful for the blessings they receive. Phrases like “Alhamdulillah” remind them to thank Allah for His favors. Additionally, acknowledging Allah’s greatness cultivates humility in their hearts, encouraging them to rely on Him rather than their own abilities.

3. Strengthening Daily Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah)

The Third Kalima is an excellent way to introduce kids to the habit of daily dhikr (remembrance of Allah). It is easy to memorize and can be recited anytime, whether at home, at school, or while playing. The consistent repetition of dhikr helps strengthen their faith and keeps Allah’s presence alive in their thoughts.

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Benefits of Reciting the Third Kalima

The 3rd Kalima carries numerous benefits for both children and adults. Reciting it regularly brings immense spiritual rewards and strengthens one’s connection to Allah. Below are some of the significant benefits:

1. Gaining Allah’s Forgiveness

Reciting the Third Kalima frequently is a means of seeking Allah’s forgiveness. The phrase “Subhan Allahi” (Glory be to Allah) acknowledges His perfection, while “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” reminds us of our reliance on Him. These words humble us before Allah, and He responds by wiping away our sins and shortcomings.

2. Protection from Harm

The Third Kalimah offers spiritual protection. By praising Allah and affirming His greatness, we invite His protection into our lives. For kids, this is especially important, as they often face fears or uncertainties. Teaching them to recite the 3rd Kalima can help alleviate their worries and make them feel more secure under Allah’s care.

3. Increasing Reward (Hasanat)

Every time a child recites the 3rd Kalima, they accumulate hasanat (good deeds). Allah promises rewards for even the smallest act of dhikr. Encouraging kids to regularly recite the this Kalima is a simple yet effective way to help them earn rewards in both this life and the Hereafter.

4. Developing Inner Peace

By glorifying Allah and reflecting on His greatness, children can experience a sense of inner peace and tranquility. The 3rd Kalima shifts focus from worldly concerns to spiritual mindfulness, which reduces anxiety and increases mental calmness.

5. Fostering Unity in the Muslim Ummah

When children learn the Third Kalimah, they are participating in a shared practice with Muslims around the world. This fosters a sense of unity and connection to the Muslim community. Reciting the same words of glorification that millions of Muslims around the world recite strengthens their identity as part of the broader Muslim family.

Tips for Teaching the 3rd Kalima to Kids

Teaching the Third Kalima to children is easy. Here are some strategies to make learning the Kalimas to kids both effective and enjoyable:

1. Break It Down into Simple Parts

The Third Kalimah can be overwhelming for young children due to its length. To simplify the process, break the Kalima into smaller phrases. Teach each phrase one by one, making sure the child understands the meaning and significance behind the words.

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2. Use Repetition and Consistency

Consistency is key when teaching any form of dhikr to kids. Encourage them to recite the 3rd Kalima multiple times a day, such as before bed or after prayer. Repetition will help them memorize it faster and reinforce the importance of regular dhikr.

3. Make It a Family Activity

Children are more likely to engage with it if they see the entire family participating. Make it a family tradition to recite the Third Kalima together during special times of the day, such as after Fajr or Maghrib prayers. This not only encourages the child but also strengthens family bonds.

4. Use Visual Aids and Rewards

Incorporating visual aids, such as posters or flashcards with the words of the Third Kalima Tamjeed, can help kids visualize what they are learning. Additionally, offering small rewards for memorization or consistent recitation can motivate children to continue practicing.

5. Explain the Meaning in Simple Terms

To make the 3rd Kalima Tamjeed meaningful for children, explain its meaning in language they can understand. For example, tell them that saying “Subhan Allahi” is like saying Allah is perfect and that there is nothing wrong with Him. Simplifying the message makes it easier for kids to grasp the spiritual depth of the Kalima.


The Third Kalima (Tamjeed) is a powerful expression of faith, gratitude, and reliance on Allah. Teaching this Kalima to children is an invaluable way to strengthen their relationship with Allah and instill essential Islamic values. By understanding the importance and benefits of the Third Kalima, kids can grow up with a strong spiritual foundation that guides them throughout their lives.

Reciting this Kalima regularly helps children develop gratitude, humility, and faith, while also earning spiritual rewards and protection. Parents and tutors should encourage kids to make the 3rd Kalima part of their daily routine, ensuring that they carry its meanings with them as they grow.

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